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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
IT News

Cybercriminals have long relied on compromised Web sites to host malicious software for use in drive-by download attacks, but at least one crime gang is taking it a step further: New research shows that crooks spreading the Dyre malware for use in cyberheists are leveraging hacked wireless routers to deliver their password-stealing crimeware. Ubiquity Networks […]

We have detected a phishing campaign targeting Android developers who are publishing their creations in Google Play, Android’s official app store. The from field in the email comes from “Play Developer Support”, with the subject “Update your Account Informations”, as you can see in the following screenshot: If you click in the link provided, you […]

IT News

We often hear about the impact of cybercrime, but too seldom do we read about the successes that law enforcement officials have in apprehending those responsible and bringing them to justice. Last week was an especially busy time for cybercrime justice, with authorities across the globe bringing arrests, prosecutions and some cases stiff sentences in […]

The first quarter of 2015 saw a 165 percent increase in new ransomware led by the new and difficult-to-detect CTB Locker ransomware family, new ransomware family called TeslaCrypt. If these weren’t enough, we had to contend with the emergence of new versions of CryptoWall, TorrentLocker and BandarChor.     CTB-Locker’s has been one of the […]

Cryptolocker is the threat that everyone is talking about. It affects both home users and companies though, in many cases, companies are more exposed due to the large amount of confidential information they handle. Juan Santesmases, Vice President Product Management & Business Development at Panda Security, explains what Cryptolocker is and how companies can deal […]

Panda Security has reason to celebrate. Today the multinational developer of security solutions designed to protect the digital lives of individuals and organizations alike  is celebrating  25 years in the vanguard of IT security, not just in its native Spain, but all around the globe. Panda Security, with a direct presence in more than 80 […]