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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

The Olympic Games offer a tempting target for hackers and other malicious actors, with potentially devastating consequences for one of the world’s premier sporting events, researchers said Tuesday. A report by University of California researchers said the efforts to disrupt the 2016 US election should serve as warning about the impact of a cyber-attack on […]

A popular ecommerce platform sold in 60 countries suffers from a SQL injection vulnerability privately disclosed in April that has yet to be patched by the vendor. BPC Banking Technologies of Switzerland has not acknowledged the vulnerability in its SmartVista suite of ecommerce and financial software product, despite numerous reports from Rapid7, CERT/CC in the […]

Apple’s policy to repeatedly ask users for their iTunes password needlessly exposes iOS device owners to possible phishing attacks, according a mobile app developer Felix Krause.Krause’s beef with Apple is that too often and seemingly at random times, popups deliver a dialogue box for users to enter their Apple ID. The prompts have become so […]

Bitcoin has skyrocketed over the last several years and has become the most coveted currency of today. Not belonging to any state or country, able to be used all over the world equally and immediately, and able to provide complete anonymity when doing business — these are some of its biggest draws. But like any […]

Java developers can now use Azure Functions, Microsoft’s serverless computing platform, to build and deploy applications on the Redmond, Wash. software marker’s cloud. Serverless computing is gaining ground among businesses and the world’s major cloud providers, but contrary to the image the term conjures up, servers are still very much involved in serverless applications. What’s […]

Recently Oath, owner of Yahoo, and a subsidiary of Verizon revealed that the biggest known cyber data breach ever recorded in the history of humankind was larger than Yahoo initially announced. As you may remember back in 2013 Yahoo suffered a cyber-attack – approximately one billion accounts were affected. Even though that it took Yahoo […]

Firefox 57 to Get New XSS Protections
October 9, 2017

Mozilla this week announced plans to boost the Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) protections in Firefox by treating data URLs as unique origin. The use of a data URL scheme allows web developers to inline small files directly into HTML or CSS documents, which also results in faster page load times. Because of this mechanism, the browser doesn’t […]

Four critical vulnerabilities were reported by Google Monday as part of its October Android Security Bulletin. In all, 14 patches were issued for corresponding vulnerabilities, ranging from critical to high. The relative low bug count for the month of October is due to the fact this month Google announced it would handle security bulletins differently. […]

Netgear published more than 50 security advisories in the past two weeks to inform customers about the availability of patches for vulnerabilities affecting many of the company’s routers, switches, network-attached storage (NAS) devices, and wireless access points. There are a total of 14 advisories describing vulnerabilities in various ReadyNAS devices, including command injections, security misconfigurations, […]

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