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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

Adylkuzz, the malware that steals virtual money from thousands of computers All investigations seem to indicate that WannaCry, the global attack that shocked the world last week, was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of cyber-security threats. The new cyber-attack currently underway, called Adylkuzz, is potentially much more dangerous than its predecessor, as […]

Is Youtube Safe For Kids?
May 19, 2017

It can be surprising for parents that someone like Pewdie Pie has a net worth of millions of dollars, or that watching someone else play videogames is a billion dollar business thanks to streaming companies like Youtube. The types of videos that young children gravitate towards often surprise us, as the trends are constantly changing. […]

Since EternalBlue was first published, has anyone else used it? Or only the creators of WannaCry? Before we answer that question, let’s take a look at the history of the vulnerability that gave way to the EternalBlue exploit. October 25, 2001: Microsoft launches the Windows XP operating system, one of the company’s biggest successes. It […]

This week, ransomware has taken the spotlight. And with good reason. But let’s take a break from the fever of WannaCry, which shook the world of cybersecurity last Friday, to remind ourselves that there are plenty of other threats on the horizon that we would do well to keep in mind. One of which, still […]

What lurks in our microphones? Microphones play an important part in day-to-day life. We can talk with almost anyone in the world using our smartphones, tablets and laptops. We can even give our in-home smart technology instructions simply by speaking to it. But this power and convenience often means that microphones have to be left […]

Many countries are still reeling from the overwhelming ransomware attack, known as WannaCry, that took the world by surprise last Friday. In the wake of these attacks, cybersecurity experts are scrambling to figure out the details and take preventive measures against further propagation. Given the extensive nature of the attacks, and the enormous number of […]

 On Friday, May 12, a ransomware known as WannaCry spread to every corner of the globe. As of now, there are still many questions left unanswered, but the how of the attack is now well known by cybersecurity experts. For those who want to know more about how WannaCry developed, we’ve put together an infographic […]

Top 5 Tips to Avoid Ransomware Attack #NoWeDontWannaCry On Saturday, cybercriminals managed to infect businesses from more than one hundred and fifty countries with malicious software. The ransomware was spreading through a fault in the Windows OS. Microsoft immediately issued emergency patches for Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003 and encouraged individuals and […]

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