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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

Pandalabs, the anti-malware laboratory at Panda Security, takes a look at some trends in the billion-dollar cybercrime industry and gathers the main data points for its quarterly report. Note that businesses are still the primary target with 2.45% of devices attacked, compared with 2.19% with domestic users. Hacking attacks that involve direct interaction with the […]

A massive hacking attack hit Emmanuel Macron’s Presidential campaign Seeing hackers intervene in elections is already starting to not feel like news anymore, but as to something that happens in every recent election, all over the world. On Sunday, Emmanuel Macron did not disappoint his supporters and won the presidential elections in France with a […]

Ransomware is increasingly common, is evolving, and, to complicate matters, no longer only affects computers. This form of malware that thrives on encrypting data for a ransom paid in cryptocurrency also affects smartphones, TVs and any other connected device. As the price of ransoms soar (in some cases, it has already reached into the millions), […]

CIA, iPhone and Mac laptop
May 5, 2017

Is CIA the only agency in the world that can penetrate your iPhone and Mac laptop? A few weeks ago, Wikileaks released documents that confirmed CIA had been intentionally infecting Apple Devices with non-removable malware. According to the latest vault7 leak from the non-profit organization run by fugitive Julian Assange, the agency has developed malware […]

The AV-Comparatives independent laboratory has awarded its highest level of certification, Advanced+, to the detection, scanning and protection effort of Panda Security. In a comparative review of more than 20 free and paid security software developers, the high detection capabilities of Panda Security’s solutions stood out. Panda detected 99.98% of the more than 37,000 samples […]

  According to the indictment, he’s “one of the most notorious spammers in the world.”  The Russian Piotr ‘Severa’ Levashov, who has been arrested in a joint action by the Spanish and American authorities while on holiday in Barcelona, ​​made a mistake that could end up being very costly: he used the same credentials for […]

One of the things that you see when hanging around at a busy mall or almost anywhere during the weekend is the picture of a mother that holds a smartphone in one hand, and a kid in the other. And very often even the kid is also holding a smart device. Yes, these are the […]

– Say my name. –! – You are goddamn right. Network communication is a key function for any malicious program. Yes, there are exceptions, such as cryptors and ransomware Trojans that can do their job just fine without using the Internet. However, they also require their victims to establish contact with the threat actor […]

What is an online troll?
April 28, 2017

You’ve probably heard about online trolls – but what are they? And what do you need to know about them? Digital bullies Online trolls are most similar to the playground bullies you would have encountered at school. These people deliberately provoke arguments and fights on social media and forums, often by saying the most grossly […]

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