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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
IT News

It’s pervasive; it’s everywhere. It can even rig national elections according to some well-known experts and academics. No, we’re not talking about Vladimir Putin’s team of world-class cyber spies. We’re talking about the medium of social media. Hate it or love it, social media is here to stay. It’s bringing us closer to one another, […]

IT News
Paying taxes is taxing enough
March 8, 2017

6 steps to protect yourself from being fleeced The following could be the story plot of the next Hollywood horror blockbuster. Average Paul works hard all year to put food on the table like millions of Americans. And being the good guy that he is, Average Paul understands that paying taxes is part of the […]

IT News

It’s true that it’s easiest and most convenient to start using new devices or software with their default settings. But it’s not the most secure, not by a long shot. Accepting the default configuration without reviewing what it actually is could be dangerous to your company’s confidential information. The default settings are predetermined by the […]

IT News

8 empowered woman in the computing world to celebrate International Women’s Day Often seen as a male-dominated industry, women have played an important part in driving developments in the computer industry. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, these eight women have blazed a trail in IT, setting an example to us all. Ada Lovelace Despite […]

IT News

Once upon a time… many, years ago, telephones were meant to call people up, and watches were made to tell the time. Life was simple then. Well, kind of. That all changed when things got smaller, and once they got smaller they got smarter: the phones got smarter, and so did the wristwatches. Don’t get […]

IT News

http://www.pandasecurity.com/mediacenter/src/uploads/2017/03/IMG-MC-galardon-300×225.jpg The International Selection Committee of the Worldwide Marketing Organization (WMKTO) in Mexico has named advanced cybersecurity vendor Panda Security as winner of its prestigious “21st Century Global Quality Award” 2017. This award is granted annually in recognition of those companies, products or professionals that stand out in the business world for their quality and […]

IT News

http://www.pandasecurity.com/mediacenter/src/uploads/2017/03/IMG-MC-elecciones-300×225.jpg The Netherlands, France and Germany will hold presidential elections in the coming months. A series of electoral processes that take place in the wake of the U.S. elections, during which, Russian cyber-attackers leaked thousands of Democratic National Committee emails which some claim may have affected the election result – a possibility ruled out by […]

IT News
Netflix target of cybercriminals
March 1, 2017

  Netflix Accounts Are Being Used In Cyber Scams Netflix has enjoyed huge success over the last couple of years. As stated in the company’s overview, they have over 93 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day. Not bad for a company that […]

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