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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

At first glance it is just another printer; one of those big machines that sits against the wall of thousands of offices around the country, turning blank sheets of paper into corporate documentation. And as inoffensive as it may seem, just another piece of office furniture, it can become a threat to your company’s confidentiality. […]

The very nature of wireless Wi-Fi networks means that hackers or criminals simply need to be located near an access point in order to eavesdrop and intercept network traffic. Poorly configured access point encryption or services that allow data to be sent without any encryption pose a serious threat to user data. Confidential data can […]

From November 8 to 12, websites of some of the largest Russian banks fell victim to heavy DDoS attacks. Initially, it was no indication of anything unusual – all well-known banks get attacked from time to time – but further developments have evolved in the manner that allowed us to suggest a high level of […]

The Malware Plateau – Less New Malware
November 22, 2016

Back in 2008 McAfee researcher Toralv Dirro posted a blog on new malware growth slowing – admittedly from an exponential rate to straightforward linear growth – around 20,000 new malware samples each day. He then went on to say that “Now with constant, although still massive, growth there is some light at the end of […]

In the book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy there’s a character called the Babel fish, which is curiously able to translate into and from any language. Now, in the present-day world, the global cybersecurity industry speaks one language – English; however, sometimes you really do wish there was such a thing as a Babel fish […]

How to safely shop online? It’s not a secret about 70% of the adult US population shops online regularly. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday right around the corner tens of millions of people are preparing to get a bang for their buck. The deals are usually so good even people sceptical about online shopping, […]

Drones have conquered the world: they are used to hunt down tax evaders and illegal hunters, help suppress wildfires, find victims after natural disasters… They even serve as flying cameras to assist in filming movies and for aerial photography. Online retail giant Amazon, for example, is planning on using drones for commercial delivery in order […]

5 tips to maintain your cell phone battery without compromising experience When cell phones appeared on the market they were meant to be used for talk and text. However, things have changed and cellular operators no longer stress about the amount of minutes or texts you are using, but for the amount of data you […]

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