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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

Wi-Fi networking is absolutely essential to the modern home. From smartphones to games consoles to intelligent thermostats like Nest, virtually every appliance now requires a wireless internet connection. As a result, there is all kinds of valuable information being transmitted across your Wi-Fi network – credit card numbers, passwords and sensitive photos and files. Which […]

Tips to protect your personal data on online music streaming platforms like Spotify Malvertising – yet another offspring of the online advertising, has been around since 2008. However, in 2016 we’ve been observing more and more creative ways of hackers trying to compromise your system by injecting malicious or malware-laden advertisements. They are getting so […]

That hard disks, pen drives and other physical storage devices are an attractive target for cyber-criminals wanting to steal confidential information from enterprises is something that company managers are well aware of. And, in fact, they try to educate their employees about the need to use those tools properly. However, the now-popular digital cloud, used […]

Warning – the following article may contain spoilers What it’s true of Black Mirror? Charlton Brooker’s Black Mirror television series has become something of a phenomenon thanks to its almost prophetic predictions about society and technology. Set in the very near future, Black Mirror borrows technology stories from the media, and imagines the worst possible […]

Loop of Confidence
November 10, 2016

With the arrival of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay in Russia, many are wondering just how secure these payment systems are, and how popular they are likely to become. A number of experts have commented on this, basing their opinions on the common stereotypes of Android being insecure and the attacks which currently take place […]

Can you imagine a system that could not be hacked? That repelled those who tried? This apparently impossible dream has been pursued by developers for decades, without much success. In theory, this is perfectly possible; in practice, however, it demands too much effort and program code would be too long. However, the HACMS project has […]

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