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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
The Hunt for Lurk
August 30, 2016

In early June, 2016, the Russian police arrested the alleged members of the criminal group known as Lurk. The police suspected Lurk of stealing nearly three billion rubles, using malicious software to systematically withdraw large sums of money from the accounts of commercial organizations, including banks. For Kaspersky Lab, these arrests marked the culmination of […]

Tales from Ransomwhere: Shadow Copies
August 26, 2016

Shadow Copies: Taking advantage of ransomware tricks There are not many ways to recover our kidnapped files from a ransomware attack without paying the ransom. If we are lucky (really lucky!) there might be some free tool to recover them, another option is to restore your files from your backup. However not everyone has a […]

We’re in need of cybersecurity professionals. While the risks associated with digitalization increase (data in the cloud, corporate applications, the Internet of Things, etc.), the number of trained cybersecurity professionals remains low, creating the worst possible vulnerability for businesses: a lack of qualified IT professionals. In a recent study, it was estimated that around one […]

Protect your data from device theft
August 24, 2016

Prior to going on a trip, don’t just listen to the “usual” advice, like shutting the blinds or leaving your neighbor to house-sit your home. These precautions are just not enough. In the hyper connected world we live in, it is absolutely necessary to take other safety measures. Today, technology is all around us, and […]

While ransomware is a global threat, every now and then we see a variant that targets one specific region. For example, the Coinvault malware had many infections in the Netherlands, because the authors posted malicious software on Usenet and Dutch people are particular fond of downloading things over Usenet. Another example is the recent Shade […]

 Download PDF Introduction The telecommunications industry keeps the world connected. Telecoms providers build, operate and manage the complex network infrastructures used for voice and data transmission – and they communicate and store vast amounts of sensitive data. This makes them a top target for cyber-attack. According to PwC’s Global State of Information Security, 2016, IT […]

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