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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

There’s something every Instagrammer wants to know: who is looking at my photos?  We live in a show-and-tell world, with I-see-I-do-I-post-mindsets, comments, and “likes”.  No one wants to disappear at fault of a #boring photo. Instagram makes it easy to play pretend, but what happens when someone else pretends to be you? In theory, social […]

This whole FBI-Apple debate has got the technology world up in a frenzy about national security vs. personal security.  Apple’s refusal to give up classified information to a government agency tells us something about the current state of our online safety, and lots of tech companies are stepping up to fight for our privacy. Recently, […]

The evolution of Brazilian Malware
March 31, 2016

Introduction Brazilian malware continues to evolve day by day, making it increasingly sophisticated. If you want to know how the various malicious programs work nowadays, you can jump to the corresponding section here. Meanwhile, before that, we would like to show how the techniques used by Brazilian cybercriminals have changed, becoming more advanced and increasingly […]

The Internet of Things: Pacemakers
March 30, 2016

  Fit-bracelets, smart-watches, and other wearable technology have joined the “Internet of Things”, everyday objects that collect and exchange information (think: vehicles, smart thermostat systems, and any other device with online capabilities).   But did you know that there are much more advanced, health-monitoring, devices out there? The high-tech pacemakers made today have a ton of benefits, especially for […]

The word that scared all Google users last summer is back and worse than ever. Stagefright, nicknamed by its founder Metaphor, is even more dangerous in its new version. Much like its name’s meaning, Stagefright, hides deep in the Android library, unnoticeable to Android users as they watch videos of cute puppies and crafty DIY […]

Verizon Enterprise Solutions, a B2B unit of the telecommunications giant that gets called in to help Fortune 500’s respond to some of the world’s largest data breaches, is reeling from its own data breach involving the theft and resale of customer data, KrebsOnSecurity has learned. Earlier this week, a prominent member of a closely guarded underground […]

Many U.S. citizens are bound to experience delays in getting their tax returns processed this year, thanks largely to more stringent controls enacted by Uncle Sam and the states to block fraudulent tax refund requests filed by identity thieves. A steady drip of corporate data breaches involving phished employee W-2 information is adding to the backlog, as is […]

One of the most complex tasks for the cybercriminals is to ensure their malicious code goes undetected by antivirus and achieves its goal. For this, they have invested a lot on more complex infection processes, going beyond the traditional phishing and using techniques where the malicious payload is hidden in encrypted files – even using […]

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