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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

Payday lending firm Moneytree is the latest company to alert current and former employees that their tax data — including Social Security numbers, salary and address information — was accidentally handed over directly to scam artists. Seattle-based Moneytree sent an email to employees on March 4 stating that “one of our team members fell victim […]

Despite being essential to protect your personal data, the security measures implemented by smartphone manufacturers to protect it from cyber-criminals can work against you. That’s the case wìth Apple and the Auto-Lock feature that automatically locks your device after six failed passcode attempts. There are multiple reasons why that could occur. For example, your little […]

At the end of last year, the US government put an end to the secret surveillance program carried out by the National Security Agency (NSA).  Not bad. Apparently, citizens have one less reason to worry about the privacy of their phone calls. However, the suspicion that someone else is listening to your conversations not only […]

All your creds are belong to us
March 15, 2016

 Download the full report (PDF) With astonishing annual revenues of over a hundred billion dollars, the gaming industry has in the past been compared to Hollywood’s burgeoning business, repeatedly demonstrating the influence behind its ever expanding and loyal fan base. Having an endless list of “big hit” video-games coexisting peacefully with humble but still fun-filled […]

IT News

It’s remarkable how quickly a stolen purse or wallet can morph into full-blown identity theft, and possibly even result in the victim’s wrongful arrest. All of the above was visited recently on a fellow infosec professional whose admitted lapse in physical security led to a mistaken early morning arrest in front of his kids. The guy […]

  Do’s and Don’ts of cybersecurity for your business Train your employees. Their security knowledge will save your company from a lot of problems. Pay attention to mobiles and tablets, not just computers. Be careful with links that you receive to your corporate mail – don’t open them. Use a security solution that allows you […]

IT News

Staminus Communications Inc., a California-based Internet hosting provider that specializes in protecting customers from massive “distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attacks aimed at knocking sites offline, has itself apparently been massively hacked. Staminus’s entire network was down for more than 20 hours until Thursday evening, leaving customers to vent their rage on the company’s Facebook and […]

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