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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

It happens that malware writers and other miscreants in the digital world put messages in their malware. Sometimes they do it just for the “lulz”, sometimes to insult a person who hampers their criminal business, sometimes to deliver information to the guys on the other side who oppose them. We hope the case described in […]

User-friendly and secure. Hardly anyone would pick either word to describe the vast majority of wireless routers in use today. So naturally I was intrigued a year ago when I had the chance to pre-order a eero, a new WiFi system billed as easy-to-use, designed with security in mind, and able to dramatically extend the […]

Microsoft releases thirteen bulletins this month, patching a total of 44 vulnerabilities. More than half of the critical vulnerabilities fixed this month support the web browsers, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Vulnerabilities rated critical also exist in Opentype font parsing kernel components, Windows Media Player, and the Windows PDF library. Microsoft reports that none of these […]

IT News

Microsoft today pushed out 13 security updates to fix at least 39 separate vulnerabilities in its various Windows operating systems and software. Five of the updates fix flaws that allow hackers or malware to break into vulnerable systems without any help from the user, save for perhaps visiting a hacked Web site. The bulk of […]

Locky malware report
March 8, 2016

The main objective of the Locky malware is to encrypt certain system files and network drives to coerce the affected user into paying a ransom to recover them. It renames all encrypted document as hash.locky files. Systems are infected via an email attachment. When the user opens the attached Word document, they enable a malicious […]

IT News

Citing ongoing security concerns, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has suspended a service offered via its Web site that allowed taxpayers to retrieve so-called IP Protection PINs (IP PINs), codes that the IRS has mailed to some 2.7 million taxpayers to help prevent those individuals from becoming victims of tax refund fraud two years in a […]

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