Twitter says your passwords are safe and the bug’s fixed, but you ARE using 2FA and a strong password, right?! Source: Sophos
Twitter says your passwords are safe and the bug’s fixed, but you ARE using 2FA and a strong password, right?! Source: Sophos
The year in figures In 2015, Kaspersky Lab detected the following: 2,961,727 malicious installation packages 884,774 new malicious mobile programs – a threefold increase from the previous year 7,030 mobile banking Trojans Trends of the year Rise in the number of malicious attachments the user is unable to delete. Cybercriminals actively using phishing windows to […]
While working on the IT Threat Evolution report for Q3 2015, we discovered that Australia had become the leading country in terms of number of users attacked by mobile banker Trojans. We decided to find out what was behind this jump in activity and managed to identify the cause: Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Acecard. This family accounted for almost […]
We don’t know if you’ve heard of the new Cryptolocker which is called ‘Locky’… It works as follows: It arrives by mail and the attachment is a Word document with macros. Upon opening the document the macros infects the computer. It deletes any security copies that Windows has made and starts to encrypt the files. […]
Background Yesterday a blog post on “The Linux Mint Blog” caught our attention. Apparently criminals managed to compromise a vulnerable instance of WordPress which the project used to run their website. The attackers modified download links pointing to backdoored ISO files of Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon edition. This “should only impact people who downloaded this […]
As you know, phishing is a technique that involves tricking the user to steal confidential information , passwords, etc, into thinking you are a confidential site. So far the hackers have used emails to launch this type of attack, but with the widespread use of social media networks and smartphones with internet access, the types of attacking are multiplying. These emails include a […]
If Facebook and many more Internet platforms are capable of showing personalized ads on your computer according to your online behavior, why shouldn’t the same be true for our smart TVs? Paul McMillan, a German security expert, has proven that smart TVs are so smart that they can analyze the programs or films that you […]