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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

With little more than a month to go before the start of the 2016 tax filing season, the IRS and the states are hunkering down for an expected slugfest with identity thieves who make a living requesting fraudulent tax refunds on behalf of victims. Here’s what you need to know going into January to protect […]

Christmas is around the corner and with it comes the usual round of parties and celebrations. This means that our spare time is taken up more than usual, which has an effect on how we complete our gift shopping. The easiest way around this for most is to take to the Internet, avoiding the queues […]

IT News

On any given day, there are thousands of gift cards from top retailers for sale online that can be had for a fraction of their face value. Some of these are exactly what they appear to be: legitimate gift cards sold through third-party sites that specialize in reselling used or unwanted cards. But many of the more steeply discounted […]

 Download PDF version Download EPUB In late 2014, we published predictions for how the world of cyber threats may evolve in 2015. Four of the nine predictions we made were directly connected with threats to businesses. Our predictions proved accurate – three of the four business-related threats have already been fulfilled: Cybercriminals embrace APT tactics for […]

While happily working on your computer getting stuff done, little do you suspect that in the background, your important files are being subjected to a military-grade encryption to which you don’t have the key. Suddenly, a Cryptolocker alert appears on the screen—you have only days to pay the ransom or lose all your encrypted files […]

2015, the year of Cryptolocker
December 9, 2015

At the end of 2013 the first signs of what would eventually become one of the most lucrative attacks for cybercriminals were spotted. Cryptolocker is the name of the most popular family of ransomware, which has ended up being used as the name for all threats of this type. The threat always works on the […]

IT News

Adobe and Microsoft today independently issued software updates to plug critical security holes in their software. Adobe released a patch that fixes a whopping 78 security vulnerabilities in its Flash Player software. Microsoft pushed a dozen patch bundles to address at least 71 flaws in various versions of the Windows operating system and associated software. […]