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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
6 steps to make your Viber more secure
November 9, 2015

Thanks to the advent of smartphones, we no longer have to worry about going over our message limit, or sending the same message to different people. Nowadays there is a large selection of different messaging apps to choose from, which allow you to send as many messages to as many people as you like, including […]

The early detection of cyber threats has long been one of the biggest goals for the IT security sector. The rapid evolution of the different types of cyber-attacks has rendered the traditional detection systems helpless to differentiate between, and detect, attack such as advanced persistent threats (APT), which are digital attacks directed at certain systems […]

Surviving in an IoT-enabled world
November 5, 2015

Scare stories around the Internet of Things (IoT) conjure up images of bad guys in hoodies, who live for hacking and to make the lives of other people harder, inventing millions of ways to infiltrate your life through your gadgets. But is this perception a good enough reason to stop using smart devices? We don’t […]

 Download PDF version Q3 events Of all the Q3 2015 events in the world of DDoS attacks and the tools used to launch them, we picked out those that, in our opinion, best illustrate the main trends behind the evolution of these threats. DDoS attacks targeting financial organizations for the purpose of extortion; new techniques […]

IT threat evolution in Q3 2015
November 2, 2015

 Download PDF version Q3 in figures According to KSN data, Kaspersky Lab solutions detected and repelled a total of 235,415,870 malicious attacks from online resources located all over the world. 75,408,543 unique URLs were recognized as malicious by web antivirus components. Kaspersky Lab’s web antivirus detected 38,233,047 unique malicious objects: scripts, exploits, executable files, etc. […]

“Ido, we will address this compromise with Miss. XXXX directly. Thank you for notifying us,” said the last email received from Miss. Patricia Falcon, Information Security Policy & Awareness Specialist at the University of Brown, Rhode Island. Suspected spear phishing campaign attempting to steal users’ credentials by sending phishing emails masquerading as Google recovery. From […]