Crimeware expert Fraser Howard tells you what you need to know about Angler – the current “market leader” in the exploit kit scene. A must-read report if you want to bolster your defences… Source: Sophos
Crimeware expert Fraser Howard tells you what you need to know about Angler – the current “market leader” in the exploit kit scene. A must-read report if you want to bolster your defences… Source: Sophos
After many attempts, we have finally gotten it into our heads that it is essential that we read the small print before we install any application on our devices. If it mentions anything that strays far from what the app is about (for example, a flashlight that tries to use your GPS) it’s best to […]
Large caches of data stolen from online cheating site have been posted online by an individual or group that claims to have completely compromised the company’s user databases, financial records and other proprietary information. The still-unfolding leak could be quite damaging to some 37 million users of the hookup service, whose slogan is “Life […]
Welcome to the world of franchising – not fast food, convenience store, or the likes. No, we are talking about ransomware. The ‘new kid on the block’ so to speak. Cybercriminals have jumped on the bandwagon and are resorting to following the same business model as franchisors. Let’s look at the franchise model – based […]
Nationwide pharmacy chain CVS has taken down its online photo center, replacing it with a message warning that customer credit card data may have been compromised. The incident comes just days after Walmart Canada said it was investigating a potential breach of customer card data at its online photo processing store. “We have been made aware […]
A few days ago we published an interview on why Adaptive Defense was the solution against ransomware like Cryptolocker. Now, however, I’d like to go into further details on why Adaptive Defense 360 isn’t just the present and future for just Panda, but rather for the entire cyber security industry. Adaptive Defense 360 is the […]
Now that we’re entering into that time of year when planning your summer getaway is high on the agenda, there are always some things we can do in order to divert burglars’ attention from our vacant houses – don’t leave all the curtains and blinds closed over; ask a neighbor to collect your mail from […]