Remember the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL? Here’s Amazon’s open-source effort to expand our choice of cryptographic sauce… Source: Sophos
Remember the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL? Here’s Amazon’s open-source effort to expand our choice of cryptographic sauce… Source: Sophos
By becoming popular, they turn into a real danger. The more famous an application is, the more likely it will be used by cybercriminals to carry out frauds, which may turn out very expensive for those distracted users. The perfect example is WhatsApp. Each novelty announced by the instant messaging service is exploited immediately by […]
The Internet is a fantastic resource for researching the reputation of companies with which you may wish to do business. Unfortunately, this same ease-of-use can lull the unwary into falling for marketing scams originally perfected by spammers: Namely, fake reviews and dodgy search engine manipulation techniques that seek to drown out legitimate, negative reviews in a […]
In the April 7 advisory, we talked about Dyre Wolf banking malware which is a variant of the Dyre Trojan. It was used in a succession of phishing campaign across the globe. Now, cybercriminals are serving Dyre through another channel. Trust cybercriminals to find new ways to host malicious software used in drive-by attacks. One […]
You open an application to read the news, check your e-mail or social networks and, on many occasions, it asks you for a username (which may be your email address) and a password. You must sign in to access the headlines which have been customized depending on your preferences, your Inbox where you receive your […]
This time Google Drive is being used as a vector for launching CryptoWall ransomware. The payload is delivered through Google Drive platform. The payload in turn runs CryptoWall from a long list of compromised websites. From the compromised webpages, numbering more than 80, several malicious scripts force users to a narrow selection of dedicated domains […]
Panda Security announced today the launch of a new version of Panda Mobile Security, the company’s solution to combat cyber threats on mobile devices. The new Panda Mobile Security allows users to enjoy their devices with complete peace of mind, locate lost or stolen smartphones and tablets, and protect their private information thanks to the […]
With SMS we saw how the language evolved in order to save characters, now the way we express ourselves through mobile devices has experienced a new transformation. With the arrival of instant messaging apps, with WhatsApp on top, there are people who are able to communicate exclusively with emoticons. Humans move freely between images. This […]