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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
Adware found in Android Apps
February 5, 2015

BREAKING NEWS! How you we love to download games onto to our mobile devices and spend time playing them every chance we get.  However, we sometimes download more than we bargain for.  We think that the apps we download from legitimate websites such as Google Play Store is safe. Well, not quite. The mobile market […]

IT News

Many people have a love-hate relationship with emails.  In our daily lives, we are sometimes or may be very often, bombarded with emails, be it on private matters, work related or even spam.   How we wish they will go away?  But do we really want them to go away? Emails have become a communication tool […]

IT News
‘GHOST’ In The Machine?
January 29, 2015

BREAKING NEWS! A widely used component of most Linux distribution has been found to have a highly vulnerability.  It was discovered in the GNU C Library (glibc), a widely used component of most Linux distributions.  It allows cyber criminals to execute malicious code on servers and gain control of Linux machines.  This flaw has been […]

IT News

BREAKING NEWS! Adobe has patched two zero-day vulnerabilities (see Definition) over the past few days in its Adobe Flash.  Last Thursday, Adobe released an emergency update for one of the critical vulnerabilities in Flash Player. Adobe has also been hit by second zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2015-0311.  This vulnerability is “being actively exploited in the […]

IT News
Ransomware Leads Android Threat
January 26, 2015

For a long time now, mobile devices have become a necessity and are no longer a novelty.  It has become a ‘lifeline’ in times of need and emergencies.  It’s a communication tool like no other, keeping us connected at all times via emails or social networking sites.Is it a wonder then that cyber criminals are […]

Fake WhatsApp Plus
January 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS! You may hear of popular news website that WhatsApp is working on a new version of its messaging client, called WhatsApp Plus.  This is to provide users with more features.  Beware!  This is fake news! WhatsApp Plus is not new and was launched previously. It is a modified version of WhatsApp for Android […]

IT News
Skeleton Key
January 19, 2015

Skeleton Key Here is a malware that allows the attacker to log in as any user, without the need to know or change a user’s password.  What’s worse is that Intrusion Detection System (IDS)(Definition) does not raise any alarms.  There are two ways to detect an attacker within your network – through network monitoring software […]

IT News

Spear Phishing – A Growing Concern for BanksIn their relentless pursuit for profits, cyber criminals are narrowing their focus on banks rather than its customers. Why is this so?  Simply because cyber criminals are finding more success targeting banks than their customers.Cyber criminals are resorting to spear phishing (Definition) techniques to fool employees of bank.  They […]

According to security specialist Malwarebytes, a major problem that IT decision-makers are facing is the growing number of flaws found in Web browsers, which is proving to be the biggest endpoint security headache. The growing number of exploitable browser vulnerabilities is a greater cause of concern than any other security issue. Ransomware (see Definition below) […]

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