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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

unCAPTCHA, an artificial intelligence-based automated system designed at the University of Maryland, can break Google’s audio-based reCAPTCHA challenges with an accuracy of 85%. Google has been working on refining and strengthening reCAPTCHA for years, a Turing test-based methodology for proving that website users aren’t robots, and recently extended it to mobile websites for Android users. […]

Apple has patched iOS, macOS and other products to protect against the KRACK vulnerability recently disclosed in the WPA2 Wi-Fi security protocol.KRACK, short for key re-installation attack, allows an attacker within range of a victim’s Wi-Fi network to read encrypted traffic with varying degrees of difficulty. Many vendors had patched KRACK in their respective products […]

Windigo, a malicious operation uncovered over three years ago, continues to be active despite a takedown attempt in 2014 and the sentencing of one conspirator in August 2017. At the core of Windigo was Linux/Ebury, an OpenSSH backdoor and credential stealer that was estimated to have infected over 25,000 servers worldwide during a two and […]

Mozilla has raised some concerns regarding DigiCert acquiring Symantec’s website security and related public key infrastructure (PKI) solutions after major web browser vendors announced that certificates issued by the security firm would no longer be trusted. Due to a series of incidents involving mississued TLS certificates, Mozilla and Google want Symantec and its partners to […]

A vulnerability in the outdated ANSI X9.31 random number generator (RNG) can allow attackers to recover encryption keys and read data passing through VPN connections and encrypted web browser sessions, researchers warned. The vulnerability has been dubbed DUHK (Don’t Use Hard-coded Keys) and it has been found to affect the products of at least a […]

Several major organizations in Russia and Ukraine were hit in the past few hours by a ransomware named “Bad Rabbit.” The incident reminds of the massive attack involving NotPetya malware, which ended up costing companies millions of dollars. Few details are known so far about the Bad Rabbit attack, which has the potential to cause […]

Last Thursday, Lowyat reported news of “one of the biggest data breaches ever in Malaysian history” – compromising millions of Malaysians’ privacy.The article was taken down temporarily, by request of MCMC, but it is now back up. MCMC has since released a press statement, announcing that an investigation is underway. According to a tip off […]

Locky Uses DDE Attack for Distribution
October 27, 2017

While continuing to spread via spam emails sent by the Necurs botnet, the Locky ransomware has switched to new attack techniques in recent campaigns, in an attempt to evade detection and improve infection rate. One of the methods involves the use of the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) protocol, which has been designed to allow Windows […]

A post-intrusion technique developed by researchers at CyberArk Labs called BoundHooking allows attackers to exploit a feature in all Intel chips introduced since Skylake. The attack technique allows for the execution of code from any process without detection by antivirus software or other security measures, researchers said. According to CyberArk, a BoundHooking attack exploits the […]

Organizations that have their PeopleSoft installations exposed to the internet should pay special attention to a remote code execution vulnerability patched on Tuesday as part of Oracle’s massive quarterly Critical Patch Update. The flaw, CVE-2017-10366, allows an attacker to gain remote code execution on a server running PeopleSoft software. The flaw is in the core […]

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