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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

A notorious hacking firm, probably best described as greyhats rather than white or blackhats, briefly breached the PlayStation Facebook and Twitter accounts on Sunday. OurMine, a Saudi-based security firm, specializes in breaching high-profile accounts in order to advertise its ‘prowess’ and sell its security services. Yesterday, it got into PlayStation’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, and […]

The popular Unity game platform—used by professionals and hobbyists alike—is vulnerable to remote compromise because of a flaw in the Windows game editor, the company warned on Aug. 18. Unity advised developers who use the Windows version of its editor to update immediately. Users of the Mac version of the editor are not affected, but […]

Attacks on the Cloud Increase by 300%
August 22, 2017

The number of attacks on cloud-based accounts has increased by 300%, according to Microsoft’s Security and Intelligence report. It claimed that consumer and enterprise Microsoft accounts are a tempting target for attackers, and the frequency and sophistication of attacks on cloud-based accounts are accelerating. “The Identity Security and Protection team has seen a 300% increase […]

CyberSecurity News on Ransamware Ransomware has become one of the largest threats to both individuals and enterprises with the last few months happening several widespread ransomware outbreaks. Currently, there is no decryptor available to decrypt data locked by Mamba and Locky as well, so users are strongly advised to follow prevention measures in order to […]

Google has removed from the Chrome Web Store a malicious browser extension used by criminals in Brazil to target corporate users with the aim of stealing banking credentials. The twist is that the attackers did their homework on their targets, learning via social networks whom inside an organization was closely involved in making financial transactions. […]

Ransomware has been around for a few years but has become an albatross around everyone’s neck—from big businesses and financial institutions to hospitals and individuals worldwide—with cyber criminals making millions of dollars. In just past few months, we saw a scary strain of ransomware attacks including WannaCry, Petya and LeakerLocker, which made chaos worldwide by shutting down hospitals, vehicle […]

Is IPhone safe from virus?
August 20, 2017

In an age when we store more and more sensitive personal data on our computers and smartphones, security is a major concern. Given that, it’s not surprising that you may be worried about getting a virus on your iPhone. That’s understandable on an internet where there are thousands (and likely many, many times more) of viruses. But […]

Beware Joomla, et al: An analysis shows that web applications are the soft underbelly of organizations—the chink in the armor that hackers can use to successfully compromise their operations. That’s the word from Alert Logic, which conducted an analysis of more than 2 million security incidents that were captured and escalated in its systems during […]

George is in his office responding to his morning emails when he notices an unusual message. The subject is concise: “Security Alert”. Obviously, he wants to know what’s going on. He opens it, reads the first paragraph to see what the problem is, then clicks the link ostensibly taking him to the company page where […]

Indian police have arrested four people on suspicion of leaking an episode of Game of Thrones before it was aired on the sub-continent, in another sign of the security challenges facing major content companies.The incident, unrelated to the more recent hack of GoT broadcaster HBO, involves the fourth episode of season seven of the wildly […]

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