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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

The countdown to year’s end almost inevitably means an increase in online purchases. On the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, a full-blown consumerist race kicks off the goes until January. This 2016 will continue to show consumers turning more and more to e-commerce for their gift giving needs. However, the convenience of paying by credit […]

Recently, in our never-ending quest to protect the world from malware, we found a misbehaving Android trojan. Although malware targeting the Android OS stopped being a novelty quite some time ago, this trojan is quite unique. Instead of attacking a user, it attacks the Wi-Fi network the user is connected to, or, to be precise, […]

IT News
The Biggest Cyber-attacks of 2016
December 27, 2016

The worst cyber attacks of this year. Cyber threats have been around all year. It’s actually really hard to compile a list of the top 3 cyber-attacks as evaluating the damage caused by a single cyber thread is nearly impossible. However we have been monitoring the cyber space for the past year so we made […]

The future of corporate security lies in artificial intelligence. In fact, for better or worse, algorithms will turn out to be crucial to the protection of corporate data. These two faces of the same coin will be nothing less than malware capable of mimicking human behavior and, on the flip side, solutions that can predict which […]

IT News
Did you know your eReader can be hacked?
December 23, 2016

Could be your eReader a potential target for attack? Most people think that hackers only target PCs and laptops. Some may also be aware that cybercriminals are now targeting smartphones too. But did you know that virtually any device – including your eReader – could be a potential target for attack? Tablets as eReaders With […]

IT News
How a Smart Toy Could Get Hacked
December 23, 2016

Almost a decade has passed since the arrival of Furby, which made quite a splash on the children’s toys market. That was just the beginning. Now, Christmas serves as a time to usher in new companions that, of course, come with their respective apps and are able to have full conversations, as though they were […]

IT News

The gift giving season is just around the corner. With the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday already behind us, shops that conduct their sales online (and their clients) should be prepared for the most hectic weeks of the year still to come. Unfortunately, this is also the busiest time of year for scammers […]

Notes from HITCON Pacific 2016
December 20, 2016

Hacks in Taiwan Conference (HITCON) Pacific 2016 was held in Taipei city, Taiwan from the 27th of November to the 3rd of December this year. The concept of this event is about “The Fifth Domain: Cyber | Homeland Security”. This HITCON Pacific 2016 is more formal event than HITCON Community 2016 which we attended last […]

IT News

‘ART’ Automatically Pinpoints Attacks and Anomalies at Endpoints Panda Security, the world’s leader in advanced cybersecurity solutions, and Logtrust, the real-time Big Data-in-Motion firm, announced the availability of the Advanced Reporting Tool (ART), as an optional module of Panda Security’s Adaptive Defense, which automatically generates Security and IT intelligence that allows organizations to pinpoint attacks, […]

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