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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

How does MW get into systems? This ransomware’s initial infection vector occurs when it’s sent/received through Phishing campaigns. First, the user receives an email with the malicious file in zip format, giving the illusion it is a zip, but in this case, the user also receives some type of invoice; this varies depending on the […]

There is a growing awareness of cybersecurity within companies, but are these companies taking action to improve their security? As seen in a recent study, 750 IT security decision-makers worldwide were surveyed to see whether they are “learning and applying lessons from high-profile cyber-attacks”, and if it influences their security priorities and decisions. The study examined […]

The tablets or smartphones at your office connect to either 3G or 4G (which is better than WiFi). When tablets and other connected devices (like smartphones or smartwatches) become essential to an employee’s work, then it is essential these employees are properly trained on using them safely. Surely, workers think that connecting an office device […]

Android malware surges again
October 6, 2016

For most people, their smartphone has become the most important gateway to the internet. We use our phones to check facts on the move, plan journeys, update shopping lists and check our bank balance. Simple-to-use apps have put information and services at our fingertips. In fact, the world now uses smartphones and tablets online more […]

Wave your false flags!
October 6, 2016

 Download the full report (PDF) As a new VirusBulletin is upon us, it’s once again time to deep dive into interesting topics in anti-malware research. This time around, we’ve chosen to focus on attribution in APT research, its methods and complications, and how intermediate-to-advanced attackers are already manipulating attribution indicators in an attempt to mislead […]

As the World’s most popular messaging application, WhatsApp is constantly adding new features designed to delight their 1 billion registered users. And the latest update contains a number of goodies that will delight fans of picture messaging. This all looks very familiar… For anyone who uses the Snapchat app, the new WhatsApp features will seem […]

A platform that can detect a company’s internal threats? Many organizations and companies could have avoided major scandals if they acted in time: there’s the case of Snowden and the stolen NSA files, Bradley Manning and the US diplomatic cables, and Hervé Falciani and top-secret information from the HSBC private bank. These are all clear examples that, with cybersecurity, you […]

Many businesses share documents that are pixelated in order to protect private information, whether they be bank account numbers, photographs or other private information. Although pixelation used to be a simple and sufficient way to hide confidential information, now computers are smart enough to read these distorted images—even when your eye cannot. Pixelated documents are no longer safe! Researchers […]

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