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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

As a new school year begins, many schools sadly will be setting out to tackle one of the most serious problems now spreading across classrooms: cyber-bullying. While new technologies have opened a whole new world of possibilities for children and adults alike, they have also opened the door to a new type of bullying, where […]

In a nutshell Backdoor.OSX.Mokes.a is the most recently discovered OS X variant of a cross-platform backdoor which is able to operate on all major operating systems (Windows,Linux,OS X). Please see also our analysis on the Windows and Linux variants. This malware family is able to steal various types of data from the victim’s machine (Screenshots, […]

Except for the few of us who choose to visit faraway places at other times of the year, for the majority of us, our vacation time is coming to end. Whether we are refreshed or nostalgic for our summertime getaway, let’s make sure to take into account our IT security while we get back on […]

Almost every Android OS update includes new security features designed to make cybercriminals’ life harder. And, of course, the cybercriminals always try to bypass them. We have found a new modification of the mobile banking Trojan, Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Gugi.c that can bypass two new security features added in Android 6: permission-based app overlays and a dynamic permission […]

What you should know about Windows 10
September 6, 2016

It is reaching the end of its first year and now companies are asking, is it the right moment to update to Windows 10?Now that it’s becoming somewhat mature, should businesses take the plunge and invest time and money to upgrade their software? The general opinion is that yes, companies should upgrade. After all, it […]

China continues to host the most powerful supercomputer in the world— with 93 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second), the Sunway TaihuLight displaces Tianhe-2, the other Chinese supercomputer that claimed the No. 1 spot on the past six TOP500 rankings. But there’s something else. This supercomputer monster is not only powerful but it is also […]

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