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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification
Shade: not by encryption alone
August 10, 2016

Malefactors continue to expand the features of ransomware as they try to extract maximum benefit from the compromise of infected computers. We recently found an interesting example of such an “upgrade”: a new logic in the latest version of the Shade encryptor currently being spread widely within the territories of Russia and CIS. On the […]

 Download the full report (PDF) Technical analysis Indicators of compromise (IOC)Download YARA rules More information about ProjectSauron is available to customers of Kaspersky Intelligence Reporting Service. Contact: [email protected] Introduction: Over the last few years, the number of “APT-related” incidents described in the media has grown significantly. For many of these, though, the designation “APT”, indicating an “Advanced […]

Blackhat USA 2016
August 5, 2016

This year’s Blackhat USA briefings were held at the spacious Mandalay Bay, bringing speakers from all over the world to deliver mostly technical cyber-security talks. A number of our researchers were there attending talks and participating in the parallel IOActive and BSides events on Smart Cities cyber-security and “Stealing Food From the Cat’s Mouth”. We even bought […]

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