Researchers said that radar attacks could cause high-speed collisions, but Tesla says the attacks can’t be reproduced outside of the lab. Source: Sophos
Researchers said that radar attacks could cause high-speed collisions, but Tesla says the attacks can’t be reproduced outside of the lab. Source: Sophos
This year’s Blackhat USA briefings were held at the spacious Mandalay Bay, bringing speakers from all over the world to deliver mostly technical cyber-security talks. A number of our researchers were there attending talks and participating in the parallel IOActive and BSides events on Smart Cities cyber-security and “Stealing Food From the Cat’s Mouth”. We even bought […]
Brazilian cybercriminals are clearly setting their sights on users of mobile banking, with a huge rise in incidents registered in the country over the last two years. In order to carry out these attacks they are using SMiShing (phishing via SMS) and registering new mobile phish domains created especially for this purpose. In 2015, mobile […]