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Extol Threat Intelligent Notification

Smartphones have become vital to our existence, accompanying us in our day-to-day lives, both at work and at home. Since May 1st is International Workers’ Day, we are celebrating by reviewing some of the top applications we believe are most useful for our professional success. “Top” Apps for professionals These app icons saturate our phone […]

IT News

The American Dental Association (ADA) says it may have inadvertently mailed malware-laced USB thumb drives to thousands of dental offices nationwide. The problem first came to light in a post on the DSL Reports Security Forum. DSLR member “Mike” from Pittsburgh got curious about the integrity of a USB drive that the ADA mailed to members […]

Q1 events We have selected the events from the first quarter of 2016 that, in our view, illustrate the main trends in the field of DDoS attacks and the tools used to perform them. A record-breaking reflection DDoS attack DDoS attacks using amplification/reflection techniques are still popular and allow cybercriminals to break their peak power […]

Stealing information and then holding it for ransom is a trendy cyber-attack that has arrived to the hotel sector.  PandaLabs, Panda Security’s anti-malware laboratory, is launching a study called  “The Hotel Hijackers“; a document that reviews the increasing tendency of cyber-attacks directed towards large hotel chains. Research showed us that 2015 was the year for these type of attacks […]

Contributing to the Annual DBIR
April 27, 2016

This year’s DBIR release from Verizon exposes valuable and well organized data on global incidents this past year. Our contributions on targeted attack activity and other areas to a report like this one over the past several years is important to help to improve cyber-security awareness and education both in the security industry and the general public. […]

Freezer Paper around Free Meat
April 27, 2016

BeEF Wrapped Up and Delivered in 2016 In late February 2016, a University website in Iran stood out for thoroughly vetting its current and potential students and staff. The University’s web site served repackaged content from the Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) with embedded JavaScript content maintaining the potential to hook visitors’ web browsers, identify visited websites […]

It’s easy to fool CAPTCHA
April 27, 2016

CAPTCHA: humans vs. computers On some websites, you may have noticed that you are prevented from continuing your visit or purchase until you solve a puzzle of obscure letters or pictures. After staring at a few squiggly lines, deciphering the words, and typing the correct word in a blank space, you may finally continue. This […]

IT News

A longtime reader recently asked: “How do online fraudsters get the 3-digit card verification value (CVV or CVV2) code printed on the back of customer cards if merchants are forbidden from storing this information? The answer: If not via phishing, probably by installing a Web-based keylogger at an online merchant so that all data that […]

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