Researchers at MIT have created a bug-fixing bot. What do you think? Do you welcome our new code-patching overlords? Source: Sophos
Researchers at MIT have created a bug-fixing bot. What do you think? Do you welcome our new code-patching overlords? Source: Sophos
Background A while ago Turkish security group Otku Sen created the hidden tear ransomware and published the source code online. Idea behind it was to “teach” security researchers how ransomware works. Right from the beginning the reaction of various security professionals was negative. And we were right, it didn’t take long before the first ransomware variants […]
From offering discounted sunglasses (designer label, of course) to gift card for well-known stores, the world of SMS spam is one that continues to trick unwitting victims. You’d think that by now we would all be aware of the scams behind these messages which we receive on our mobile devices, but with these spammers becoming […]
It’s been a while now since Tor became the go-to option for those who wanted to ensure their privacy while browsing online. If you still haven’t heard of it, it’s a network that allows you to browse the Internet anonymously, integrated by nodes all over the planet. Each one of this points is actually a […]
Background Recently we came across a new family of cross-platform backdoors for desktop environments. First we got the Linux variant, and with information extracted from its binary, we were able to find the variant for Windows desktops, too. Not only that, but the Windows version was additionally equipped with a valid code signing signature. Let´s […]
It’s likely that you’ve asked yourself, on more than one occasion, how you can avoid a ransomware from gaining access to your private information and encrypting all of the files and data stored on your devices. As we always say, it is fundamental that you keep your operating system updated to avoid any security issues. […]
Q4 events Of all the Q4 2015 events in the world of DDoS attacks and the tools used to launch them, we picked out those that, in our opinion, best illustrate the main trends behind the evolution of these threats. Emergence of new vectors for conducting reflection DDoS attacks; Increase in number of botnets composed […]
Late last year, a wave of cyber-attacks hit several critical sectors in Ukraine. Widely discussed in the media, the attacks took advantage of known BlackEnergy Trojans as well as several new modules. BlackEnergy is a Trojan that was created by a hacker known as Cr4sh. In 2007, he reportedly stopped working on it and sold […]