Anybody could unscrew the Ring off a front door, flip it, retrieve the Wi-Fi password, and Presto! own your network. Source: Sophos
Anybody could unscrew the Ring off a front door, flip it, retrieve the Wi-Fi password, and Presto! own your network. Source: Sophos
They’re the latest must-have in the world of wearable devices, but they don’t come without flaws – cybercriminals are eyeing up smartwatches as the next devices to attack. Keeping in mind that the majority of smartwatches currently on the market are carrying some sort of vulnerability (even the popular Apple Watch has been highlighted as […]
Oracle has shipped an update for its Java software that fixes at least eight critical security holes. If you have an affirmative use for Java, please update to the latest version; if you’re not sure why you have Java installed, it’s high time to remove the program once and for all. According to Oracle’s release notes, seven […]
Ne’er-do-wells have long abused a feature in Skype to glean the Internet address of other users. Indeed, many shady online services that can be hired to launch attacks aimed at knocking users offline bundle so-called “Skype resolvers” that let customers find a target’s last known location online. At long last, Microsoft says its latest version of Skype will […]
PandaLabs, the laboratory of Panda Security, both detected and neutralized more than 84 million new malware samples throughout 2015. This is nine million more than the year previous, according to the corresponding data. The figure means that there were 230,000 new malware samples produced daily over the course of the year. Last year saw the […]
January is traditionally a month of change for most people, be it starting new fitness and diet regimes, promising to travel more, vowing to make better use of their time, or even just giving their house a good clear out. For others, however, the beginning of a new year is a time of dramatic change, […]